Invisalign in San Francisco

Straighten Crooked Teeth With Invisalign

Straighten Crooked Teeth With Invisalign

Invisalign is a clear aligner orthodontic system that straightens your teeth and corrects misaligned bites by gently placing pressure on your teeth to shift them gradually. You will receive a new set of aligners every 2 weeks which will work to further shift your teeth closer to the proper alignment.

Correct Your Smile and Bite Today!

Are you self-conscious about gaps or crooked teeth? Is it uncomfortable to eat? Are you worried about the appearance and cost of traditional braces? These problems can make it hard to feel comfortable showing off your smile. If you have these concerns, Invisalign could be the ideal solution for you! Schedule an appointment with us today.

Tailored Dental Care for Your Ideal Smile

Starting the journey to a beautiful and healthy smile is an exciting adventure, and at Sutter Dental Collective, we are delighted to be your trusted companions. Specializing in Invisalign, we are committed to creating personalized treatment experiences that celebrate the uniqueness of your smile.

Our Treatment Process: What to Expect


Contact our San Francisco dental office to schedule a consultation with Dr. Stein.


We will develop an optimal, personalized Invisalign Treatment care plan to provide you with your perfect smile.


You’ll begin to feel more confident and will love showing off your dazzling, straight teeth!

See Why Our Patients Love Us

We go above and beyond to create an exceptional experience for our guests. See what everyone’s saying…


Providing You With Options You Need In San Francisco

We aim to heighten your dental experience at every turn. This includes providing a wide variety of insurance and financing options for your convenience.

Meet Dr. Stein

Your smile deserves the best and that’s what you can come to expect every time you visit Dr. Stein.

Benefits Of Invisalign Clear Aligners

Clear aligners discreetly and gently shift your teeth so you’re less likely to suffer from oral health problems like tooth decay and gum disease. These aligners improve your overall smile to boost your confidence.

The best part is that you don’t have to feel insecure on your journey to correcting your teeth, because our clear aligners offer an aesthetic way to correct misaligned teeth.

Clear aligners shift your teeth fast and can even correct open, under, open, and crossbites with the help of Invisalign attachments and elastics. Invisalign is highly effective at closing small gaps, straightening crooked teeth, and correcting overcrowding.


Where do we begin with the advantages of clear aligners? The transparent design is what makes them so desirable. So many patients avoid orthodontic treatment altogether because they fear the unattractive appearance of bulky wires and brackets sticking out of their mouths.

Invisalign is discreet and goes easily unnoticed. They are also more hygienic than braces because they are removable. This prevents stains and bacteria buildup in the aligners when you eat because the aligners are taken out first.

Patients can thoroughly clean all of the surfaces on and between their teeth to prevent cavities and discoloration. Braces often obscure patients’ ability to clean all of the surfaces of their teeth. Invisalign doesn’t emit as much force as braces which makes the treatment more comfortable.


After coming in for a consultation where Dr. Stein will evaluate your suitability for Invisalign, we will take digital scans of your teeth as well as photos and x-rays. All of this information is used to create a hyper-realistic model of your mouth which is accessible through our online software.

The Invisalign lab uses this information and this model to create custom-fit aligners for you. We can digitally plan your entire treatment from start to finish using this digital model, even showing you how we will achieve specific tooth movements and what the finished result will look like.

After a few weeks of fabrication, your aligners will be ready for pick up. If you require Invisalign attachments, we will bond these to your teeth during an appointment and then test how the aligners fit over them. These will be removed at the end of your treatment.

You will have regular follow-up appointments about every 6 weeks to check on your progress and you will receive enough aligners to change them every 2 weeks. At the end of treatment, if you require a few more aligners to reach your final alignment, we can order a few more.

A retainer will need to be worn to prevent your malleable jawbone from shifting. If you are wondering if Invisalign is right for you, contact us at Sutter Dental Collective to schedule a consultation with Dr. Joyce Stein.

Ready To Get Started?

Let’s Take Your Smile To New Heights!